Saturday 3 December 2016

Telepathic Lover

San Diego's Crocodiles are always worth a listen. They put out their sixth album back in October which somehow I missed and have just been discovering recently. The fuzzed up, sleazy psych sound of their previous records has been replaced by something sunnier on Dreamless, especially so on the single Telepathic Lover which sounds a lot like late 80s New Order to the Bagging Area ears. Across the album as a whole here's some spreading of wings (winged crocodiles would be fearsome) and they sound like a band energised and loosened up by experimenting, synths and piano are all over this as well as the usual guitars, even though the lyrics remain pretty weighed down by life and experience.


  1. You're spot on with the New Order comparison. Good tune.

  2. Telepathic Lover has been rating quite high with me the last few weeks. I like the sheen they have covered their psych/gaze sound in this time around.

  3. I think I've seen that Winged Crocodiles film on the SYFY channel over here. ANd this does sound New Order-ish
