Thursday 8 December 2016

There's A Side Of Me Unknown

There's a lot of Teenage Fanclub on the internet right now and in real life (they're touring). They've become very... comfy. Heartwarming. Fair play to 'em. The songs off Bandwagonesque still do it for me, there's a bit more crunch and distortion about them. The album sounds like a group on the rise, in a fruitful period where the songs just poured out of them.

I'm a Taurean by the way. Reliable, practical, sensual and independent it says on the web, with an eye for beauty and good with money (ha! My wife would disagree about that last one). Also lazy, stubborn and materialistic. Like, whatever.

Star Sign


  1. I'm Aries '...proverbial infant, guileless and optimistic to a fault...' Mrs S would undoubtedly concur with at least a couple of those statements.

  2. I'm also a Taurean, full of bullshit as L would say I am shite with money. I know this will be heresy but I never really rated the Fannies, I liked/loved some songs but I could not sustain my interest over a whole album.

  3. As a Cancerian, I'm supposed to me moody, and pessimistic (yep, guilty as charged, your honour) but also creative, generous, loyal and spontaneous. Hmm, maybe two out of four, three at a push. Not telling you which though...

  4. Two of my very closest friends are Taureans, nice people - very cool!
    I'm Cancerian like you, TheRobster. Very glad of my protective shell.

  5. Gemini. 2-faced bastard.

    "Expressive and quick-witted (well, I like to think so), Gemini represents two different sides of personality and you will never be sure with whom you will face. Gemini can be sociable,communicative and ready for fun (yup), while on the other hand it can be very serious, thoughtful, restless and even indecisive (hmmmm, but yup).
