Sunday 1 January 2017

Ring, Ring, Seven A.M.

Morning- sorry if you've got a bad head. New Year and all that. It's 2017, a date which once seemed impossibly far off in the future to someone born in 1970.

This blog started seven years ago today, January 1st 2010. I think I had an idea that I'd start off with a song a day and stop at the end of the year. That didn't happen- it just kept going and I'm still here. The best thing about blogging hasn't been the music, though that's nominally what it's all about (and is a huge part of it, sounds old and new that keep our heads spinning and feet moving). The best part is doing something creative that has led to contact and friendships with all of you. So, thanks to everyone who has read this blog at any point over the last seven years and who has dropped in to comment at any point in the same period. That's really what it's all about. More of the same tomorrow and thereafter.

The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Dance 


  1. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog, SA

  2. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog, SA

  3. My favourite post-Topper Clash photo. Happy 7th birthday SA - long may you run.

  4. Lovely words SA, and congrats on Bagging Area's birthday. Here's to the next magnificent seven.

  5. We 'met' through this. Keep up the good work dude x

  6. Happy N ew year to you all SA and happy birthday to the blog

  7. Buon anno nuovo to you & yours, SA. Buon compleanno to the blog. It's been a fantastic ride.

  8. Well done Adam, seven years. A fine achievement.

  9. Happy New Year and 7th blog birthday Adam
    Keep on keeping on

  10. Thanks everyone. Loves ya all.

  11. Belated happy blog birthday.

    Born in 1970? You're a mere child.....
