Monday 30 January 2017

This Is The Impression I Get From Looking At The Television Set

Whoever spliced Allen Ginsberg reading his 1956 poem America with Tom Waits' Closing Time created something beautiful and profound. You can take as much as you want from Ginsberg's poem at the moment.

America (Closing Time)


  1. Wow, that's wonderful. Where'd you get it from?

  2. Can't remember where it came from Lee. First saw it on youtube a few years ago 2011/12 ish. Pretty sure I've posted it before. Probably around that time.

  3. yeah Ginsberg got it, before him Brecht. remember Arturo Ui, he's in charge again. look out you boys and girls. politics played like an adolescent's video game (everything is reactive, blood in the pixels). hang on for the ride.

  4. Jings. That's different and as Lee says, wonderful.
