Friday 10 February 2017

These Are Commercial Crusades

My week of protest songs finishes with a double header. First up, Ian Brown and his 2007 single Illegal Attacks, a blistering tirade against the US and British invasion of Iraq set to a hip hop beat and sweeping strings. The Stone Roses had form in lyrical revolution- Bye Bye Badman referenced the Paris '68 events, Elizabeth My Dear fantasised about the death of Elizabeth II and they often mentioned politics in interviews during their '89-90 heyday. That's Sinead O'Connor on backing vocals.

At the other end of the scale from Mr Brown in terms of vocal ability and formation dancing is Beyonce. During last year's Superbowl she ruffled feathers by turning up with her dancers dressed as Black Panthers.

Co-written by Kendrick Lamar Freedom, from last year's Lemonade album (an album shot through with protest), is this slice of righteous psychedelic soul led by wheezy organ, shouting loud that Black Lives Matter.


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