Wednesday 18 September 2019

An Open Mind's Excursion

I found the above photo while looking at Robert Frank photos on Google image search. It's by Jakob Perlmutter from a series he did as a homage to Frank. The use of space framing the two people, lots of empty space, and the grey tones are all very Frank but the face of the girl could only be recent (the nose piercing particularly).

One Dove always seem autumnal to me, the days getting shorter, the creeping darkness and chill in the air. The 1993 remix of Breakdown by Andrew Weatherall is career highpoint for all involved- from the opening seconds as the chords fade in and the voice 'against the black blue sky, the shadow of the dove' as the Sabres dub production kicks in. Big rattling bass, a Shades Of Rhythm sample, chopped up acoustic guitar and melodica. Dot's 'na na na na' refrain looped. A prime example of the art of the remix.

Breakdown (Squire Black Dove Rides Out)


  1. Great Robert Frank photos and the one today also. I've never heard this Weatherall mix, great. I knew the brief section at 7.00, but just could not recall. Finally it came to me. It's 'They came in peace' by Tranquility Base.

  2. Same Drew.

    And yes SRC, spot on about Tranquillity Bass (which I think I posted a while back)
