Monday 21 October 2019

Monday's Long Song

October half term. A week off for me (or wee calf in the punchline to Drew's joke on Twitter last week). Monday's long song this week is less a song, more a mini- mix courtesy of Coldcut and The Orb, who spend fourteen minutes and twenty six seconds with each other's record collections, tracks and samples live on the air at Kiss FM, New Year's Eve 1991. Coldcut were just getting their Ninja Tune off the ground, The Orb were about to take off. 

There's all sorts going on in here, opera, cockerels crowing, thumping rhythm tracks, voices dropping in and out of the mix, Denise singing 'rama lama lama fa fa fi, I'm gonna get high til the day I die', Neil Armstrong's famous line as he steps down the ladder on to the moon, the vocal line from Roach Motel's Movin' On. Sampledelic fun for your Monday morning.

Coldcut Meets The Orb 


  1. A fascinating aural collage, or as the older folk from my neck of the woods might say - '...a rum old do...'

  2. I am just mesmerised by the photo!

  3. It's great isn't it. Google image search 'cows' and 'beach' to reveal more. Northern Ireland apparently for extra topicality.
