Tuesday 29 October 2019

Plastic Bag

Andy Bell, guitarist in Ride, is on a creative streak. Not only have Ride put out a new album this year and Andy released his dreamy, cosmic GLOK album but he's now put out a 7" single under his own name as well. Plastic Bag is four minutes of introspection and beauty- some ambient noise, Eno-esque piano, slowly drifting, delicate vocals and a guitar line carried in from over yonder. Sounds like it could play over the end credits of a film as the road and the hills recede into the distance and the screen fades to black. Magical.

The single is only available as part of a singles subscription club through Sonic Cathedral. £100 gets you a series of limited singles released between February and December this year. It's here. All depends on how flush you're feeling.

1 comment:

  1. I have a wonderful problem this year - not sure if it is ok to make changes to my Top 50 Singles list rules of one song per band, but man, Ride and the songs released from its orbit are riding so very high on my ever growing list.

    This is gorgeous! It's sort of a bridge between Ride and GLOK without being really related to either. The repeated piano seems to be missing just one note and it would be the alien contact signal from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. The more I listen to it, the more it sounds like a track from space.
