Sunday 3 November 2019

Calming Signals

Ambient music from Nashville, not the kind of music you necessarily expect to find coming from Nashville, which makes this even more of an unexpected treat. Rich Ruth composes his music at home, minimalist and repetitive, improvisational, drones and synths, beautiful melodies riding over the top. While recording the album he was held at gunpoint outside his house and carjacked and when he went back to finish the record found that he was pouring his trauma and emotions into the songs. What was deeply unpleasant for Rich has resulted in an exceptional album, out shortly physically and  already available digitally at Bandcamp.  In places Calming Signals is quite unsettling, dissonant and discordant. In others its more soothing and chilled. The track below, Coming Down, a lush, building piece really starts to soar when the ecstatic saxophone floats around over the top.

1 comment:

  1. 'Coming Down' has a touch of the Fripp & Enos about it, which is no bad thing in my book.
