Thursday 14 November 2019

Spirit Counsel In Salford

I spent Sunday evening at The White Hotel in Salford. First things first, the venue is not and never has been a hotel. It is down a side street surrounded by derelict buildings, some empty lots, a few down at heel shops and takeaways and Strangeways Prison just across the road. If the building looks like a 1970s brick and corrugated iron converted garage, that's because it is. The steel shuttered doors are still in place and at one point Thurston uses one to play his guitar. Beer is served from the pit that once would have been used to work on the underside of cars. It is not salubrious. It is dingy and smells of oil. It is, therefore, the perfect place for some noise. Thurston Moore has always tried to keep one foot in punk rock and rock 'n' roll with the other in the avant garde and free jazz and this show does both but with the foot in the avant garde more firmly planted. No vocals, no singing, just three guitars and drums, the final night of a European tour with his band including Debbie Goodge, ex- My Bloody Valentine, on bass. The gig consists of one song, played for an hour, a version of the first disc of last year's three disc Spirit Counsel album. You might think finding spirit counsel in a converted garage in Lower Broughton could be tricky but Thurston and band do their best to lead us towards something transcendent.

Opening with a long ambient section, drummer Jem Doulton splashing the cymbals with beaters as the guitarists tune up (or detune up). Eventually the guitars start to hum and feedback gently and Thurston stands, head back and eyes closed. As the noise builds they wait, coming in together on Thurston's nod of the head, then stick in that groove waiting for him to nod his head again, tension and release. Later on as the noise builds he shouts the changes over the music '1- 2- 3- 4', the group piling in or dropping out bang on the 4. The hour long piece, Alice, Moki And Jayne, keeps circling back to a four note guitar part and although it looks improvisational it's clearly all very well rehearsed. When the four note refrain has reached the end of its part the band crash into some heavy riff rock or growly three guitar rhythms. At one point a beautiful chorus like melody takes over, the group locked in and hypnotised. There are freeform parts and drumless parts- in one section Jem pummels the cymbals over wailing feedback, shards of cymbal noise ricocheting around. There's a long feedback section, Thurston pushing his guitar against the steel shutter, over his head and then throwing his arms around the guitar. Freakout and meltdown. Repetition and flow. There are echoes of Sonic Youth, some of the chords and the playing the guitar with screwdrivers or pens on the neck of the guitar but it's also absolutely not Sonic Youth.You could watch it and think that it takes itself a little too seriously, that this is the practice room stuff of much younger men and women, jamming for hours without ever really getting anywhere, rock musicians playing at being avant jazz. But it's real and coherent, physical and powerful and as good a way to spend an hour in a garage on a Sunday night near Strangeways as you're going to find at this stage in proceedings.


  1. I was there at the White Hotel, and I'd be a lot less generous to both the venue and the music. Should've known it'd be the Spirit Counsel stuff but it was a free ticket from a mate, who'd walked out of exactly the same show in Hebden Bridge a while back. He'd been told that was the matinee rehearsal and the evening show was fire, then came along to this and was disappointed all over again. Still, there's not many gigs you can walk out of 45 minutes in and they're still playing the first song.

    However, it did give me the opportunity to make this excellent joke:

    "How was the gig?"
    "Well, let's just say it didn't exactly leave me 'Thurston' for 'Moore'"

  2. Ha. Yes. The joke is good.
    I can see wh6 some people wouldn't have been impressed and there is part of me agrees with you. The double bill looked like this was going to be art gig rather than a song gig so I geluess I went expecting something like that. Part of me was hoping he'd play Teenage Riot.

    The White Hotel is a dump. But I kind of like it especially when compared to the more corporate venues. I overheard a conversation before the gig started
    Man 1 'where are the toilets?'
    Man 2 'don't think it matters in here, just piss anywhere'
    He didn't but...

  3. I enjoyed that up until the 46 minute mark and then not. Don't think it would be for me live though but could imagine taking Stiff just for his reaction

  4. It sounds like an amazing gig. So jealous. 😁

  5. I feel like this is exactly what I would expect from Thurston Moore. Being a follower of grand experimentalist Glenn Branca, he is at home playing very long pieces of music.
    It's never really been something I enjoy, but I will say that back in the very early 80's I went to a Branca show that was 3 hours long, seated, and included 2 pieces with a dozen guitarist onstage. It was impressive. Thurston and Lee from Sonic Youth and a few members of Swans were among the guitarists and it was pretty powerful music.
