Saturday 15 February 2020

Down That Road

One of my favourite singles of 2019 was Apiento's Things You Do For Love. In the record shop last weekend, the ever wonderful Piccadilly Records, I found a 12" by Apiento that slipped out at the tail end of last year, unnoticed. Made from similar building blocks as Things... Down That Road is slinky, soulful Balearica, with an acid bassline, some very precise machine drums and an understated but unmissable vocal from Harriet Brown.


  1. That is bloody brilliant. Never heard of him before but will be looking out for him in the future

  2. I really enjoyed Harriett’s album ‘Mall of Fortune’, more great vocals with lots of drum programming and synthesized bass, which has been described as bedroom funk / future twang!

  3. Drew- I've posted quite a few things here by Apiento, all worth checking out.
    Anon- not heard it, will have a look for it.

  4. How have I missed them then? Obviously not paying enough attention, sorry
