Sunday 26 April 2020


I posted the first two instalments in Richard Norris' Music For Healing series back when lockdown began and make no apology for returning to the latest ones. Richard has now put out five episodes of Music For Healing, twenty minute long ambient pieces, minimal deep listening, designed to calm the mind and slow the circulation. All work incredibly well as therapy but are equally good as pieces of music in their own right, a perfectly judged combination of repetition, ambience and minimalism, lit up by small, chiming melodies and soft drones, recorded live and in real time. This one, Music For Healing 5 is only £3 and Richard is donating the monies raised from the sales to the mental health charity MIND

Here's Music For Healing 4 where you can float away on some beautifully blissed out drones.


  1. Love this and bought already. Was my sound of last week

  2. These really are what we need right now

  3. Immersion is truly the right name for this series. Each installment gently pulls you down into its pool of buoyant sound.
