Saturday 18 April 2020

Isolation Mix Three

It's over halfway through April already. The weeks seem to be flying by even though some of the days seem very long. This is Isolation Mix Three. I thought I'd do something different from the ambient, blissed out, opiated sounds of the first two mixes and this mix is something that I first wrote about doing in a post here about three years ago. This is an hour and three minutes of spoken word and poetry and music. Andrew Weatherall features in various guises and with various poets, the Beat Generation and The Clash are represented, there's some reggae and the unmistakable voice of John Cooper Clarke.

Jack Kerouac/Joe Strummer: MacDougal Street Blues
John Cooper Clarke: Twat
Misty In Roots: Introduction to Live At The Counter Eurovision
Linton Kwesi Johnson: Inglan Is A Bitch
The Clash (and Allen Ginsberg): Ghetto Defendant (Extended Version)
Allen Ginsberg/ Tom Waits: Closing Time/America
Andrew Weatherall and Michael Smith: The Deep Hum (At The Heart Of It All)
Joe Gideon and The Shark: Civilisation
Woodleigh Research Facility and Joe Duggan: Downhill
Fireflies and Joe Duggan: Leonard Cohen Knows
BP Fallon and David Holmes: Henry McCullough (Andrew Weatherall Remix)
Mike Garry and Joe Duddell: St Anthony: An Ode To Anthony H Wilson (Andrew Weatherall Remix)
Allen Ginsberg: I Am A Victim Of Telephone


  1. Thanks, enjoying it very much!

  2. Some say spoken word/poetry and music is a difficult area. Me i'm fed up with endless, soulless mixes empty of the human voice, and fed up with the ever growing stream of songs where words are just there to fill in the space with tedious cliches to fit the singers perfect pitch. So your mix is an antidote to all that. Great selection, literate and brave artists. Words that mean something. Hallelujah!
    -SRC (ranting)

  3. Thanks anon and SRC. Words that mean something are important, moreso than ever.
