Wednesday 8 April 2020

Stones And Steel

Today (Wednesday I think but who can be sure?) I have three songs from Danish producer Kenneth Bager that make up a new e.p (priced at thirty kroner, about £3). The first, Stones And Steel, is a dreamy song with vocals from Findlay Brown, that starts out like a Balearic ballad but picks up the beat. Cocktails at sundown on the terrace. Crickets chirruping.

Stones And Steel is followed by JLP Smoked A Doobie, a slowed down, chilled out affair with a violin and woodblocks. Dusk has now fallen, the stars are coming out.

Last up is Bager's tribute to Andrew Weatherall and an emotional ten minute dancer called Late Night Symphony with that A Love From Outer Space chug and a huge bass wobble. Shake that blanket off and hit the floor- it's either your living room or kitchen floor admittedly but it's still a floor.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that what day of the week and even what time of the day it is has become an irrelevance for some in isolated circumstances. I was out for my daily exercise in the glorious sunshine yesterday, when a guy walking alone in the other direction greeted me enthusiastically from across the lane with a loud 'Good Morning!' and a cheery wave. It was 5.30 in the evening.
    Nice tunes. I particularly enjoyed JLP Smoked a Doobie.
