Wednesday 5 August 2020

My Planet Sweet On A Silver Salver

In a list of things happening that when you're young only happened to old people, celebrating your silver wedding anniversary would feature near the top end. One day you're in your mid- twenties, gadding about, the next you're in your fifties and it's twenty five years to the day since you got married. I'm never too sure you should read a huge amount into Ian McCulloch's lyrics, they seem to be full of imagery that could be there just to sound good or to dress something up in poetic language, but Silver seems to be a song full of romance, joy and facing the world square on so it seems relevant in some ways today...

'The sky is blue/ My hands untied
A world that's true/ Through our clean eyes
Just look at you/ With burning lips
You're living proof/ At my fingertips

Walked on a tidal wave
Laughed in the face of a brand new day
Food for survival thought
Mapped out the place where I planned to stay'

Silver (Tidal Wave)


  1. Congratulations to you both!

  2. Congratulations - happy anniversary to you both!

  3. As they said - congratulations to you both

  4. As they said - happy anniversary and congratulations to you both

  5. Happy anniversary to you both.

  6. Fantastic! Congrats to you both - and here's to another 25!

  7. Congratulations, and you hit the nail on the head about Mac's lyrics. That one sounds perfect though. Hope you have a nice evening celebrating.

  8. Your thoughts about age were my thoughts... I'm sure you should be old 😁 lovely lyrics. Big congrats x

  9. Thanks everyone. Time flies.

  10. Happy Anniversary to you both! I'm sure it was a wonderful day!
