Thursday 13 August 2020

Silver Cloud

The heatwave continues and nothing you do to cool down works for very long. Music from West Germany in the 1970s might help. Silver Cloud was La Dusseldorf's debut single, released in 1976, a slow paced, melodic eight minutes of joy from Klaus Dinger's post- Neu! project. The crashing guitar chords, musical box synths and lightness of touch are all magical. That's it- too hot to type anything else.

Silver Cloud


  1. Don't blame you about being too hot to type anything else. It has been unbearable here in the tropical south east and I have never been so pleased to see a bit of rain, as we have this morning. It's still going to be a comparitively arctic 29 though...
    Nice track by the way!

  2. It's too hot to move and too hot to think. Splendid tune today.
