Friday 16 July 2021

I Heard You Looking

It's the last day of the school year today, the end of the toughest year in teaching I can remember, tough for multiple reasons, many Covid related. The last day of school when you're a kid is a day of celebration and release, the six weeks holiday stretching before you with all the promise of summer. It feels a bit like that this year, especially as the sun is shining and we've been promised/ threatened with a heatwave, but this summer it also just feels like a relief and an end- or at least a pause (I'll leave the opening up of Covid restrictions on Monday and government decision making and all that for the moment). 

This is a seven minute guitar led instrumental by Yo La Tengo from their Painful album in 1993, a masterpiece of US indie- rock/ shoegaze. I Heard You Looking is one of those bittersweet instrumentals, sweeping and evocative, a sound and playing that manages to say loads without needing a single word- late evenings, sun down, light fading, cars in the distance, credits roll, that sort of thing. 

I Heard You Looking


  1. Enjoy your holidays Swiss, well deserved. I finished last week for 5 weeks off, I need a break from well, gestures at everything. After further week off I'm beginning to feel normal for me😄

  2. Yes, enjoy your break, I finished on Weds until August 31st. What a hard year it's been. I'm still decompressing to be honest...

  3. Enjoy your well-deserved Summer hols, SA. I can only imagine how tough it has been for teachers throughout all this so far.
