Sunday 18 July 2021

Lost And Found

Hugo Nicolson, the man who engineered/ co- produced most of Andrew Weatherall's early works and who joined Primal Scream to do all the electronic stuff live when they toured the world playing Screamadelica, has been working on new dance music sounds. The first fruits of this are the Lost And Found EP, a three track release led by the pumping, trancey, sunny day sound of Finally Fading (vocals by Jillian Cainghug). 

Second track Fly Pie is slightly less full on and more experimental/ cosmische, rippling synths and melodic toplines but the BMP count remains high. I can't find a video to embed for Fly Pie but you can find it the EP at Bandcamp for the price of less than a pint of lager at your local pub. Finally Fading has been remixed by fellow Los Angeleno David Harrow, the Flaneur Mix taking things more downtempo and stretching it out over eight minutes, the bassline burbling away, repetitious, hypnotic bliss. 

Hugo has also remixed South London Balearic chug kings Rude Audio which we will almost certainly come back to at some point this summer, a remix which I heard an early version of last year and which is on point (as the folk say). And while we're considering all things Hugo I'll take this moment to remind you of his album as Spark Sparkle- Crank- which came out last summer and full of experimental exotica, Beach Boys through the looking glass, soundtrack stuff. 

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