Thursday 8 July 2021

Music For July

Well, I think we could all do with a lie down after that eh? To bring some calm after the Euro 20 semi- final last night and England making it to the final of an international tournament- not something I ever thought I'd type- here is Richard Norris' latest instalment of Music For Healing for July. It is a few days late due to his recent house move and lack of internet access- yes, these everyday problems affect everybody, even acid house/ ambient/ cosmische pioneers. Twenty minutes of chilled floatation sounds, a warm wash of background FX and piano. Listen and buy at Bandcamp

This is a further track from his outstanding recent album Hypnotic Response which I can't recommend enough. More foregrounded sounds than the Music For Healing releases but equally guaranteed to hit the spot/ transport you away from it all. 


  1. Just what I need this morning...not sure the stiffness and tension in the back of my neck after watching England has quite gone yet!

  2. Remind me, what year did England last reach a major tournament final? I don't think anyone's mentioned it yet...

  3. Some point in the mid 60s Robster...

  4. This was the perfect balm after the storm (see what I did there) of last night. Looking forward to Sunday, hoping the Music For Healing back catalogue will be used for relaxation, not to quell the disappointment next week....

  5. Balm after the storm is good.

  6. Nicely put, Rickyotter. I've run out of superlatives for Richard Norris' music. I love this.
