Friday 27 August 2021

Alien Avery

Mandy, Indiana are based in Manchester apparently. Clearly my finger isn't on the local pulse because they're new to me but I haven't exactly been on the scene for some time now. Their song Alien 3 has been remixed by Daniel Avery and, well, to put it mildly, oooft... 

A huge sounding kick drum- bang bang bang bang- then a snare- tsk tsk tsk tsk- and then  at sixteen seconds a hi- hat which on my first listen had me laughing out loud and exhaling, not because it was funny but because it was just so... there and on it. The descending bass hoover at thirty seconds is a brain melter. Singer Valentine Caulfield's vocals, sung in her native French, are chopped up and dropped in, adding to the propulsion. Breakdown, slow siren noises, tension and release. Techno can have a real physicality about it, ribcage rattling stuff and this remix has that- even through crappy computer speakers. I can only imagine what it sounds like through a club or gig system.

Mandy, Indiana make raw, noisy, visceral post- punk. The original version of Alien 3 is pretty uncompromising and industrial and if I ever get to a point where I can attend indoor gigs again I will make a point of punishing my ears with some of this stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. Now that original version is effing brilliant! Would love to hear what The Bug might do in remix terms. Thanks!
