Wednesday 18 August 2021

Money And Murk

Two tracks that both came out recently and that seem to work together very well for me for today and both sound like they could have been put together during an all night recording session in the 1940s pill box in the photo above. When we were down in the Wye Valley in July I stumbled across it, hidden in the undergrowth overlooking the river. How long any defenders would have lasted in it is open to question. Local youths have made more use of it in the years since 1945, for various activities. You can probably imagine. 

The first track is an Alessandro Cortini rework of a song from Mogwai's latest album, the amusingly titled Fuck Off Money. Cortini is formerly of Nine Inch Nails and more recently worked with Daniel Avery to produce an album of sweet, intense industrial ambient, released with some appropriateness of timing at the beginning of the first lockdown in March 2020. Alessandro's eight minute rework of Mogwai is intense, to put it mildly, and ends up like a slow motion ride through hyperspace. It's a heavy trip, in all the right ways. Buy it here.

Pye Corner Audio is a regular on these pages, his monthly tracks released during the last eighteen months acting as  a sonic journal. Martin Jenkins has moved towards a kind of dark, industrial modular rave sound on some of them, a sound he has perfected with his latest one, a seven minute ride titled Murk. It's as intense and darkly beautiful as the Cortini/ Mogwai one, two sides of the same synth. Get it here at a name your own price deal. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice stuff. Both of them. And I fcuking love bandcamp.
