Monday 4 October 2021

Monday's Long Song

The existential dread of Monday morning is a difficult thing to beat. Sunday evenings are overcast by it. Waking up to the alarm in the dark with that crushing sense of inevitability. Makes me long for the days of July and sitting on holiday in the Wye Valley overlooking the river. David Harrow, dub and experimental sounds as standard after service spent in the On U Sound band, recently dragged his modular synth set up down to Ocean View Park in Santa Monica and played on a blanket on the grass. 

Modular synths will always sound like the soundtrack to 1970s sci fi, late night horror, the Radiophonic Workshop and weird post- punk singles. The music David makes in the September Californian sunshine refashions those sounds into something else, a different soundtrack in a different context. You can buy Ocean View Park, all twenty four minutes of it, at his Bandcamp page for one US dollar. 


  1. "The existential dread of Monday morning is a difficult thing to beat. Sunday evenings are overcast by it. Waking up to the alarm in the dark with that crushing sense of inevitability."

    Quite. I'm lucky at the moment that, post-covid, the doctor has written me off for another couple of weeks, shortening the end of my sentence. I hope you find an answer to the weekend dread sometime soon, SA.

  2. Need an escape route Rol. Almost everything considered!

  3. This is just what the doctor ordered...! I love the 360 scan of the performance and, at the end, the guy who asks the assembly, "Is there anyone who has no idea what we're doing here?" to which David Harrow replies, "Me!"
