Friday 1 October 2021

October's Sky

I took this photo outside the front of work on Tuesday night, late September skies in north west England. It took me by surprise a little- it had bene a wet, grey day and suddenly this light show was going on in front of us. It also made me think of how people in the Middle Ages must have been convinced of the existence of a god who resided in the clouds when huge streaks of heavenly light burst through the clouds like this. 

Back in 2000, twenty one years ago, singer/ cellist Isobel Campbell branched out from Belle And Sebastian and recorded as The Gentle Waves. This song came on a four track EP called Falling From Grace, a single to support her album Swansong For You. October's Sky is a bit under three minutes long and comes in quickly with a descending piano part and a cacophonous brass/ woodwind riff that jars at first but soon becomes hypnotic. Isobel sings softly on top- all very left of centre 60s pop/ exotica territory and none the worse for it. 

October's Sky


  1. Fantastic photo SA. I'm nearly always disappointed if I try to take a pic of anything involving the sky and light, it never seems to work for me - but you've really captured it perfectly. Yes I can imagine our ancestors viewing beautiful natural sights like this as some kind of sign of something else. Hmm, maybe it is?!!

  2. 'It also made me think of how people in the Middle Ages must have been convinced of the existence of a god who resided in the clouds when huge streaks of heavenly light burst through the clouds like this.'

    Just the Middle Ages? They still are, all over the world! Nice photo.
