Sunday 28 November 2021

Phantom Ship

Isaac tested positive for Covid on Wednesday, the day after his birthday, which is obviously a massive concern. He's been pretty unwell since then- temperature, cough, lack of appetite, lethargy- and was very out of sorts yesterday. We put him on a course of emergency antibiotics which were prescribed to us months ago in case this happened and now just have to watch and wait. If he goes downhill, we'll have to take him to hospital. We've have both been testing since Wednesday. I've done four lateral flow tests since Wednesday, all negative, and went for a PCR yesterday. The chances of us not catching Covid while living with Isaac would seem pretty slim. He requires constant care and isn't very careful with his coughing. It leaves us feeling very anxious about things. Fingers crossed and all that. 

I had this song lined up for today before writing this post and it isn't really at all relevant to the above but I'll go ahead with it anyway- it's a laid back, sunset groove remix of Tempelhof and Gigi Masin by Coyote, Nottingham remixing Italy back in 2016, Balearic sounds for late November.  

Phantom Ship (Coyote Deep Acid Remix)


  1. Oh no, really sorry to hear that mate, sending all the very best to you and Isaac.

  2. Wishing Isaac a full and speedy recovery.
    First comment here but I've been visiting for a while.
    Excellent blog!

  3. Very sad news my friend. Hope that Isaak will get well soon and all the best to you and the power to stand these hard times

  4. Wishing you all the very best. Be well.

  5. Sorry to hear that Adam.Wishing Isaac all the best and a speedy recovery

  6. All the best Adam, hope it's as swift and as minor as possible for Isaac and you all.

  7. So sorry to read this, such anxious times for you - wishing Isaac well again asap and that the rest of you stay safe too, all the best.

  8. Thanks everyone. Between writing this post and it going live things have changed significantly.

    Isaac was taken to hospital last night by ambulance, concerns about hos oxygen levels and breathing. he was increasingly unwell yesterday. We were up all night in A&E with him. He's now been admitted to a Covid ward and is on IV antibiotics, steroids and oxygen. When I came home at 5.30 am I got a text from Track and Trace to say the PCR test I took yesterday is positive so now I'm isolating while Isaac and Lou are in hospital. Which is a fucking nightmare to put it mildly. Thanks for all your best wishes.

  9. Adam, I've just read your post and update - I'm so sorry to read about Isaac. I can only imagine how you and Lou must be. My thoughts and very best wishes for Isaac, you and your family over the coming hours and days.

  10. Sending good vibes to Isaac, hope it passes quickly. Take care of yourselves

  11. Oh jesus, so sorry. My lad tested positive the week before last, he's got some underlying health conditions, but after a few poorly days he seems good again. No one else tested positive, though the wife was quite poorly. It's heart-breaking, I know, because we shouldn't be in this position.

  12. Thinking of you all. Positive vibes for a swift recovery for Isaac (and hopefully no symptoms for you and the rest of the clan). Truly a nightmare at the moment, but you'll allpull through. Take care and stay positive

  13. “He requires constant care and isn't very careful with his coughing.” I can empathize, my friend. My family is thinking about you and your family during this difficult time. Take care of each other.

  14. Adam, that's horrible to hear. What a terrible situation to be in. Even as a parent myself, I can't begin to imagine what you're going through not being able to see Isaac. Sending you good vibes and all my hope that things improve quickly for you all.

  15. Sorry to hear, hope you all get through this okay.

  16. Sending love and positivity from California. We are all pulling for Isaac, you and your family in this tough situation. Keeping you up front in my thoughts for Isaac's healthy recovery.

  17. Positive vibes from the Midwest.

  18. Hope Isaac is over the worst of it soon.

  19. I'm so sorry to drop this on here tonight. Isaac has been very poorly and the Covid got into his lungs and refused to respond to treatment. He died this afternoon. Me, Lou and his sister Eliza were with him when he slipped away. We're heartbroken. Thank you all for your best wishes. Live to you all.

    1. Hi Mr Turner
      I am so sorry to hear such sad news sending all my love and strength to you and your family at this devastating time. Thinking about you all. I remember in year 7 we did a fundraiser for a charity close to your heart if you see this could you please let me know what charity that was as I would like to make a donation
      Emma waddicor

  20. Adam, so sorry to hear of your sad loss. My thoughts are with you all. Look after each other.

  21. Oh SA, so sorry, thinking of you all x

  22. I've not had the privilege of meeting you, Adam, but thank you so much for allowing us all an insight into your wonderful and loving family and the brilliant young man that is Isaac. My words cannot do justice. My thoughts and best wishes are with you, Lou and Eliza.

  23. So sorry for your loss, can't imagine how you feel, sincerest sympathies to you all

  24. So sorry, Adam. My deepest condolences. Take care.

  25. So sorry to hear this, can't begin to imagine what you must be going through. Love to you and the family

  26. So sorry for your loss Adam.Our thoughts are with you and your family

  27. Sorry to hear about your loss. I pop into your blog most days, listen to stuff I know, listen to stuff I don`t; always an education in sound and in writing though. Thanks for sharing all that you share.
    Rest easy Isaac xx

  28. So, so sorry to hear this, Adam. Thinking of you and your family.

  29. I a so sorry for your loss Adam. Love yo you all.

  30. Oh Adam, I'm sorry to hear that. Sending love to you and yours from our family. Look after each other. A lot of people are out there for you, if you need them.

  31. Gutted. Isaac was so loved. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  32. Adam,

    just read the devastating news on TVV. I know words cannot help you at all right now, still my thoughts are with you and your family. Obviously I've never met Isaac, but every post about him in the last ten or twelve years made me know him better and better ... at least a little bit, somehow.

    Although I can't even halfway imagine how you must feel today, be strong. If you ever feel you need to talk, let me know.

    Love, your pal,


  33. So very sorry to hear this Adam. Cannot imagine how you must all be feeling but thoughts are with you.

  34. That's so sad. I wish I could do something to help you. All I can offer are my deepest condolences. I hope you will find comfort in the many happy memories I'm sure you have of the good times you all had together.

    Stay strong.

  35. Hi Emma. Thanks for getting in touch and for your message.

    The charity was the MPS Society.

  36. Thankyou for your reply
    All my love to you and your family
    Take care

  37. I have been a long time visitor to your blog. I have appreciated all that you have given us over the years. New songs. Different ways to hear old songs. Whether you knew it or not, you have been a part of my life. Thank you for all that you have given.

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. There are no words. But, know there are some of us out here, whom you have never met, thinking of you and your family.

    Peace and love.

  38. So sorry Adam, I have no adequate words. Kia kaha (stay strong.)

  39. Really sorry to hear the news Adam, all the best to you and your family.
