Wednesday 11 May 2022

Five Thousand

Today is the occasion of post number five thousand. When I started this blog in January 2010 I thought I'd give it a year and see how it went. That deadline passed and I just kept going, and here we are today, five thousands posts in. I don't have any songs (that I can think of) about the number 5000 so instead here's some song title maths- five times a thousand. Nothing too difficult- this isn't the number round on Countdown. 

The first is from the best band to come out of Burnage, Factory's Stockholm Monsters. Five O'Clock is from Alma Mater, released in 1984, the deliberate greyness of early 80s Factory beginning to be coloured in- a keyboard part and a drum machine ticking away, and some brilliantly untutored vocals. 

The second is from 1992 and Pale Saints, the 4AD signed shoegazers who rode in to massive acclaim with their debut in 1990 and the Sight Of You single. Their follow up, In Ribbons, closes with this wonderfully dreamy song A Thousand Stars Burst Open.  

Five O'Clock

A Thousand Stars Burst Open


  1. That's quite an achievement. Well done.

  2. As Ernie said. Wasn't there a band called 5000 Volts?

  3. Congrats, and cap duly doffed. I've been going since 2005 and have managed barely 1,300 posts. Clearly I've been slacking...

  4. Just had a search for a mash-up mp3 to send you from 20 years ago I thought was 5,000 spoons but it's 10,000 spoons. So give me a call in another 12 years. That means I've been following the blog since not long after its inception – in fact I just checked, and your 500th was in response to an email from me. Thanks for doing it, it is much appreciated and a mark on the world.

  5. Wow, a hell of an achievement. Huge congrats for keeping the bagging area filled every day, SA.

  6. *pops the champagne*

  7. Thanks everyone. My commitment to daily posting is what's largely responsible for reaching this marker I think. Sometimes it might lead to slightly perfunctory posts but way back when I started both Acid Ted and The Vinyl Villain had the mantra 'post daily' so I thought I'd follow suit.

    There was indeed a band called 5000 Volts. 70s disco I think.

    Tom W- if I get to 10, 000 that's the band for the post.

  8. I should have said as well, that in the course of those 5000 posts there have been 15.6k comments by all you out there in internetland. And the feedback is a big part of what makes it work.

  9. Congratulations Adam, quite the achievement. Roll on 10,000

  10. Brilliant, Adam, and thank you for Bagging Area - that’s some commitment

  11. Well done and much congratulations Adam, but most of all, thank you for making my life on the interweb a place where I know I have friends - friends I have both respect and affection for, concern and caring for, and a commonality that bridges oceans - literally. Today’s songs are real proof of the musical commonality we share.

  12. Wow, what an achievement, Adam, congratulations!

    Echoing what others have said, although I was a relatively late to finding Bagging Area (I think it was c. 2013 or 2014), it's been a go to for me ever since. I know you've modestly referred to some "slightly perfunctory posts" but it's never felt that way to me as a reader.

    Thanks for all of the thoughts, emotions, experiences and music that you've shared and introduced me to over the years, not to mention the community of music lovers who comment and have been continually inspired by what you do.

    Keep on keeping on!

  13. We’ll done, great stuff Adam, been a dedicated follower for years.

  14. So sorry that I didn't drop in on the day.

    Better late than never (I think!!!)

    Congrats Adam.

    Bagging Area, for the sheer diversity of music, the use of great photos and the unsurpassed writing on a daily basis, is the best music blog out there, if you want my humble but considered opinion.

    More power to your fingertips.
