Tuesday 31 May 2022

Your Funk My Love

It's the end of May already. Time keeps flying by. Back in spring 2021 I posted a song by Los Angeleno Tima Christina, a slightly spooked piece of modern, leaving home on a Greyhound bus, Americana called Home Is Where The Heart Is. It came out on Manchester label Blindside, a long way from Los Angeles which ever way you slice it. Tima has now joined forces with Brad Negrotto, a Louisianan, as Vela Noir/e and they've just released a song called Your Funk My Love. Moody synths and atmospherics, a beat that could equally come from a bar in Baton Rouge or something Warp released in the 90s, and Tima's coolly distanced voice. 'The desert makes me cry', she sings at one point, just before an organ picks out a melody line and a finger picked guitar cuts through the layers. 

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