Thursday 21 July 2022

Go On

I was reminded of this poem earlier this week while reading something else, sweltering in the heat we've had hanging over us. It's called The Dead and it's by US poet Billy Collins.

'The dead are always looking down on us, they say,
while we are putting on our shoes or making a sandwich,
they are looking down through the glass-bottom boats of heaven
as they row themselves slowly through eternity.

They watch the tops of our heads moving below on earth,
and when we lie down in a field or on a couch,
drugged perhaps by the hum of a warm afternoon,
they think we are looking back at them,

which makes them lift their oars and fall silent
and wait, like parents, for us to close our eyes'

It was the final reading at Isaac's funeral last December, read by the celebrant at the graveside. I found it in a poetry anthology I have and it seemed appropriate. How we managed to do anything last December baffles me looking back, never mind plan a funeral- it seems now like we were alternating between being on numb autopilot and stumbling round in a fog. I haven't thought much about the poem since the funeral but reading it two days ago, sitting and sweltering in the heat we've had hanging over us for the last few days, it moved me (again) and I was struck (again) by the sentiment in it and it seemed to provide some comfort in a way I hadn't considered when I chose it back in December. 

I've not been very well recently. In the middle of May I developed a cough which refused to go away for six weeks. After three weeks of coughing I went to the doctors and they sent me for various tests- a chest X- Ray, blood tests and so. All came back clear. It was suggested I might have developed asthma and I was prescribed an inhaler which made no difference. Just as the cough started to clear up I went deaf in my right ear (nearly four weeks ago now). At a rough estimate I'd say I've got about 10% of my hearing in that ear. It's muffled and feels blocked and no matter what I do I can't pop it. It seems my sinuses and eustachian tube are blocked but nothing seems to be unblocking it and as well as being incredibly frustrating (not being able to hear is grim) it veers between uncomfortable and painful. In the morning it has sometimes cleared but as soon as I get up and stand up, it fills up again. At times the tinnitus in the right ear is very pronounced too (although that was there before it got blocked). Since going back to the doctor I've been on a steroid nasal spray and decongestants but nothing seems to be working. I've had some hay fever in the past but nothing like this. I don't know if the pollen is particularly bad this year- some reports say it is- and maybe my hay fever has been exacerbated by having Covid last December, everything inflamed by the virus, or if the stress of the last seven months has poleaxed my immune system, or if it's something else, but having never been a particularly ill person, it's really affecting me being unwell for so long. I can't help but feel it's in some way connected to Isaac's death and the aftermath of all that. Apart from anything else, it's really affecting my ability to listen to and enjoy music, which is shit. 

This is new from Panda Bear and Sonic Boom, a summer infused slice of Beach Boys style psychedelic pop called Go On with a Troggs sample contained within it's grooves. An album follows in July. It's got little to do with either the Billy Collins poem above or my medical woes but it's a feel good piece of music for the middle of July and even heard in mono lifts me up. 


  1. That poem is powerful.

    Sorry to hear your health woes. I can empathise a bit, feel like I am physically falling apart and also having hearing and tinnitus problems. All, as you say, are shit.

    Be well, Adam.

  2. Mate, really sorry to hear you're not well, especially as it affects your listening to music. That's the one thing we all share that seems to help comfort us whenever we're below par. Thinking of you, take good care of yourself.

  3. I hope things turn around with your health. Sounds truly awful. That poem is glad you shared and that you are able to find little comforts as you move through your tremendous loss.

  4. That's a beautiful poem; the thoughts evoked are going to stay with me. But so sorry to hear how things are for you healthwise, and can only echo all said above. Take good care of yourself; I think our bodies turn against us sometimes as a way to try and force us to stop and rest and heal from stress - oh, but if only it were that 'easy'. Really hope you can do whatever you can to alleviate these health issues and that they'll disappear again asap.

  5. Yes to all those comments. Thanks for bringing Billy Collin's beautifully observed and mystical poem to us. I shall read more. Sorry to read of your health issues. School holidays are coming, you need a good rest even from your epic daily blogging, maybe 'lie down in a field'.

  6. Sorry to hear you've not been well Adam. The eustachion tube is a bit of a minefield, so hope it's not that. Hope you start to feel better soon, school hols will help. Awful that it's impacting your enjoyment of music, but fingers crossed a mere temporary ailment

  7. Never read that poem before. Like it a lot, thanks.

    I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure it must be connected to everything you've been through this past year. But I hope at least that you get to enjoy your music again soon. I know how powerful that is for getting us through.

    Sending good vibes, for whatever they're worth.

  8. Thanks for your good wishes everyone. The school year ended today and we're off on holiday tomorrow, so hopefully that'll do me some good.

    Glad you all like the poem so much.

  9. I love poetry but in the scheme of things I've read very little. I've not read/heard Billy Collins before and I was really moved by The Dead. Thanks for sharing, especially as it means so much to you on a personal level.

    I'm catching up with your posts and read in reverse order so whilst I'm sorry to hear you've not been 100%, I'm also pleased to know that you're now on a long overdue holiday, away from the day to day.

    I hope when you get back, you're feeling a bit better at least. You'll realise with joy that the Panda Bear and Sonic Boom collaboration is even better than you thought it was when you were feeling poorly.
