Monday 29 August 2022

Monday's Long Song

Bank holiday Monday at the end of August always feels like a bit of a last gasp affair, the last gasp of summer before September strikes with its new school year and change of the seasons. It's the last bank holiday before Christmas too, which has a certain grimness about it. Best to make the most if it and squeeze as much out of it as we can. 

This is brand new from Oliver Sim, remixed by bandmate and producer Jamie Xx, with some help from Floating Points. The Xx changed popular music in the late 00s, bringing a minimal, crisp, r'n b/ indie crossover into the mainstream and a sound which has been copied/ borrowed by many since. Oliver, bassist and co- singer with The Xx, has his solo album, Hideous Bastard, coming out soon. This remix of GMT is nine minutes forty seconds of deep, sinuous, murky but celebratory dance music, an entrancing soundscape that pushes and pulls in all directions, and swerves in another direction entirely halfway through, deep vocal hmmmms and hand drums ushering in strings and a massive juddering bassline leading into a long build up, electronics and synths, another breakdown, another build up and finally a long slow finish. 

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