Monday 5 September 2022

Monday's Long Song

Back in 2009 The Horrors returned with a song that proved they were much more than a bunch of skinny jean wearing, straggly haircutted, black leather jacket wearing NME garage band. Sea Within A Sea was an eight minute krautrock inspired epic, pounding in on a distorted bassline and the motorik rhythms it builds and shifts, marrying Neu! with Silver Apples. Cymbals splash, bursts of guitar shatter their way in, minimalist synths pulses ripple and Farris sings, drenched in reverb, about 'dreams in the shallows' and 'my destination there tonight'. There's a superb bit halfway through where everything drops out except the drums and a spooky, hypnotic synth arpeggio squiggles away on top. It's a magnificent song, a 21st century take on psychedelia and proof that sometimes bands can spring surprises and create something that takes them to a new place. 

Sea Within A Sea


  1. A great tume, I really like the next couple of albums Skying and Higher. They cameo on an episode of The Mighty Boosch" about wearing skinny jeans.
