Tuesday 27 June 2023

Blackbox Life Recorder

Aphex Twin dropped a new track last week, fairly unexpectedly, ahead of an EP out at the end of July. Blackbox Life Recorder 21f has much to recommend it and it's definitely a grower too, revealing a little more on each listen. The drums are superb, joined by a low key synth part and then there's a shift in rhythm at one minute six, the drums picking up and more layers being added. Lots going on, some of it very subtle and some more upfront- there's pause at two and a half minutes, even more drums/ percussion and what sounds like a voice, taking us through to the fade out.  

There's some real beauty tinged with melancholy in the track, a trick he's been pulling off since Selected Ambient Works. You can order it digitally or physically here. I do baulk a little at the £21 price for a 12" single but suspect it will sound very deep and rich on black plastic. 

This is from Syro, his return record back in 2014, a track that is both minimalist and has lots going on. 

Minipops 67 [120.2] [source field mix]


  1. As a postscript- I've pondered the title of this track, the idea that each of us has a black box life recorder that stores what happens to us for the moment when we crash.

  2. Man...its a wonderful track. Swc.
