Monday 14 August 2023

Monday's Long Song

These wild goats on a cliff at dusk looking down at the humans in Lindos town eating and drinking on rooftop terraces, looked like they might be making judgements about us or at the very least wondering what we were all doing. 

This song came up on a CD I made for the car. I'd pulled it out of a pile in the car- as much a mobile CD library as a car really- and put it in the stereo. Ten minutes of transcendence from Kenneth Bager, recorded in tribute to Andrew Weatherall, originally from an EP titled Stones & Steel and then also from an album last year, Late Night Symphonies (which you can get here). 

Late Night Symphony (Tribute To Andrew Weatherall)

It kicks off with a thumping beat and then some hugely distorted bass. The wobbly, tough edge gradually gives way to something more elegiac- a piano that hints at Smokebelch, some synth parts that grow in intensity and then a refrain which pulls in all the right places emotionally. Halfway in a violin takes the lead and then we're off for a gloriously melancholic/ euphoric five minutes.