Monday 18 September 2023

Monday's Long Song

Sundowning originally appeared on Mark Peter's album from last year Red Sunset Dreams, a song with Dot Allison on vocals, and then in remixed by Richard Norris form on The Magic Hour EP from March this year. Now it's out as a live version, eight minutes of dappled guitar lines, reverb, melodies flowing with occasional bursts of something heavier. I saw Mark support Marconi Union at Yard in Cheetham Hill earlier this year, playing solo with backing tracks and Sundowning was a highlight, Dot's vocals floating through the PA with Mark's playing. This version was recorded live at The Band Room in Farndale, Yorkshire in April with Dean Roby playing bass guitar, giving this version some hefty bottom end and the drums from Richard Norris' remix. Mark's Wigan guitar heritage is evident- the feedback and wall of guitar from three minutes on could be Nick McCabe with Verve in the early 90s. 

Sundowning refers to the state of confusion dementia patients enter into, occurring in late afternoon and evening. You can buy the live version at Bandcamp- all proceeds from the sales will go to Dementia UK. The Magic Hour with Richard Norris' remix, two new, non- album tracks Alpen Glow and The Magic Hour and a track with BJ Cole remixed by Dawn Chorus and The Infallible Sea is here. It's out on yellow 10" vinyl and is worth every penny. 

1 comment:

  1. I've loved ever version of this song that I've heard. This live version is something special.
