Thursday 11 January 2024

It's So Good

Timed (possibly) to coincide with my Xx mix last Sunday, Jamie Xx released a new track two days ago, a new song called It's So Good. The video is pleasingly cassette based, the clunk and click of the cassette being inserted and the tape deck being snapped shut an integral part of the track. The eagle eyed among you will not that It's So Good is tied into an advertising campaign by perfume people Channel which may cheapen it for you slightly. Maybe we're past that now. Are we? 

It's So Good builds nicely, a busy rhythm, hints at Jamie's steel drums and percussion and a voice repeating the title. At one minute thirty it breaks down briefly and then kicks back in, everything getting more layered and busier with house pianos working their way in, hypnotic synth parts and funky rhythm tracks continuing to burble away. It sounds like its meant to be part of something bigger, a performance, DJ set or album while also standing alone. AS the woman says, 'it's so good'. 

Two years ago after releasing his festival anthem Let's Do it Again Jamie DJed at Notting Hill carnival and released a song, Kill Dem, in conjunction with it. Kill Dem is definitely carnival inspired, a dancehall flavoured track with chopped up vocals, a Jamaica via London feel and skittering beats. The video puts the crowd and the dancers the centre of things.