Tuesday 16 April 2024

No Muscle, No Memory

Rich Ruth is from Nashville and makes highly emotive ambient music, some of which is the result of trauma of being held at gunpoint by carjackers. His two albums to date, Calming Signals from 2019 and I Survived, It's Over from 2022, use ambient as a starting point and veer off into cosmic space and free jazz, instrumentals that are sometimes in a blissed out meditative zone and sometimes wildly adventurous psychedelic trips, guitars and synths, loops and drones, sax and woodwind. Everything Rich does seems to be based on catharsis- for himself but also for us as listeners. He has a new album lined up for release, Water Still Flows, and the first fruits of it came out last week, a track called No Muscle, No Memory.

The video and the music seem very at odds with each other but the music is sublime, a transportative piece of music with a guitar solo at the start of it, a sax that replaces it, glass- like percussion and wood chimes and much more, a piece of music that somehow manages to be both heavy and light.

This is Angel Slide from 2022's I Survived, It's Over, six minutes of beautiful, ambient cosmic jazz that will give your day a different angle. 

Angel Slide

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