Friday 27 September 2024

Walking In The Heat

I still have a load of photos from our holiday in Fuerteventura that I haven't used as images for this blog. I should probably stop using them now.  As we approach the end of September it makes me a bit sad to keep seeing beautiful Canarian beaches and landscapes, and sunshine in the heat of early August when we've got a British winter ahead of us. At least today's song and photo have a link though. 

Walking In The Heat is the new song from Decius, a four minute long, sexually charged electronic romp with a video that you might want to think twice about watching if you're at work or in the presence of small children, if you don't to have to answer too many questions about what's going on and why- a virtually naked man in the boot of 1970s hatchback, a car wash, said man in nothing but leather underpants washing the car in a manner which could be described as sexual. It's very funny. The track is a blast too, juddering synths and electronic drums, moaning voices and Lias' falsetto vocal.

Decius are Lias Saoudi from Fat White Family with Luke and Liam from Trashmouth Records and Quinn from Paranoid London. Their first album, Decius Volume 1, sounded like an acid disco in a gay sauna. It was one of my favourite records of 2022, a record that The Quietus described as 'sordid. hilarious and hardcore'. I reviewed it for Ban Ban Ton Ton. The review at The Quietus was a fine read, knocking mine into a cocked hat. 


  1. Mmm, needed that photo after recent grey skies and rainclouds here. The song is a tonic too, I could say the same about the video (don't judge me)

  2. The video's great isn't it, gets better with every watch.
