Thursday, 13 February 2025

Powder Waxing

10:40 released an EP back in 2023 as Powder Wax Vol. 1, a dancefloor oriented track called Little Black Dress with vocals by S.A.A.R.A. There were three mixes. The Undressed Dub bent the original most out of shape with rattling drums, juddering synths and acres of space. Eventually the four four drums kicked in and a fragment of vocal remained among the swirls of FX.

Little Black Dress (Undressed Dub)

Now there's a follow up, Powder Wax Vol 2, two more tracks aimed at the floor and the lights, no nonsense, four four fun. Actually, lots of fun and nonsense is likely to be ignited by this pair of tracks. Beneath The Waves is quality machine funk, squelchy synth sounds, some 80s sci- fi chord changes, a snippet of voice that's been chopped up and the feeling that this could go on and on.... Second track Miracle Me comes in on thumping drums, bending synth sounds, stepped chords and a snare kicking away. There's more vocal on this one, 'I need you/ Deep inside', sung soulfully and housed up, while the synths and FX get wiggier. I could see this one filling floors and raising hands. 

Which handily, we'll get the chance to find out in person when Jesse and Darren bring their Jezebell takeover to The Golden Lion next month, on the 15th and 16th March. Me and Martin are taking part on the Sunday, playing tunes alongside Jesse and Darren, Adam Roberts, Kim Lana and FC Kahuna. The previous day/ night has a line up consisting of OBOST playing live and DJ sets from Stuart Alexander, Nessa Johnson, Martin Moscrop from ACR, Jamie Tolley and Jezebell finishing things off. It should be a lot of fun. 

Powder Wax Vol. 2 is out today and it should be available here

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