Friday 30 March 2012

The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 53

This picture is what turned up when I image searched 'rockabilly caravan'. Pretty cool, huh?

We're off to a caravan (not a rockabilly caravan more's the pity) for a week, largely paid for by vouchers from a major supermarket chain, so I'm shutting up shop for a week. Be good while I'm away. Tidy up after yourselves and turn the lights off when you leave a room.

To send us off on our way a rockabilly corker- Rochee and The Sarnos formed in London in the early 80s, inspired by punk and 50s rock 'n' roll. This is Rumble In The Jungle, and you'll love it. Very English sounding rockabilly.

Rumble In The Jungle


  1. Did a bit of googling as I was curious about what exactly a sarno is. Didn't find that out, but any band which has a singer called Lord Herbert Sarongster III is OK by me

  2. They were just words he liked the sound of as far as i know

  3. They were just words he liked the sound of as far as i know

  4. Aye, you said that. Happy hols SA X

  5. Every woman every man. Join the caravan.
    Strap the jerry cans to the roof rack and come back only when the ice forms and the portaloo overflows.
