Wednesday 4 April 2012

Caravan Update By Phone

A caravan in North East England in early April is surely one of the coldest places in the country. Last night the walls were shaking. This morning we had sleet. Now the sun is shining but there's a bitter northeasterly wind that flips the door open. We lost 2 of the 5 TV channels. Still, a change is as good as a rest eh?
Message ends.


  1. A despatch from the front line!

    Thought of you earlier as I watched clips of snowstorms on the TV news...


  2. 5 TV channels. Is it still 2008 in the North East?

  3. You've all done very well.

    Strewth. I thought you were gonna say, 'You've lost 2 of the 5 family members'.

    Unlike the wonderfully brave (and foolish) Captain Scott, oh how you'll laugh about it all in the years to come.

  4. I'll swap snow for the shit storm that is my new girl's nappies.

    Grim either way!

  5. Watching the waves crash against the seawall at hartlepools was the highlight. That and winning £15 at bingo.

  6. I feel your pain.

    Been in a caravan at Ardnamurchan in October when we thought that it was about to take off and end up in the Atlantic. It did a couple of months later but thankfully no one was there at the time!

    I found that Martell helped. The Cognac, not Lena DVD. But then again that was before children.

  7. BTW - up north your lucky if you get the radio, TV forget it.

  8. Am dulling the pain with lager at the moment. Wind has subsided a bit.

  9. Had to get the fishtail back out today. It seems that I was a bit premature with Jonathan last week.

  10. oh goodness. reminds me of a bitter october in a snowstorm in yorkshire in october. sleeping in my clothes. all of them. and a bin liner.

    would it help if i said that here, it's a balmy 22 degrees?

