Friday 21 September 2012

The Return Of Friday Night Is Rockabilly Night 74

You've got the comment king Mr DVD to blame for this one. Last week's rockabilly hero Johnny Burnette had a son, Rocky, who had a hit in 1980 with this song- Tired Of Toein' The Line. I thought it only fair that I should share it with you. No download- you're probably not going to listen to this more than once.

DVD reckons he's the only person who bought this. It was a US hit so maybe Dickie was just the only person in Yorkshire who bought it. Have a good night y'all!


  1. LOLZ, I remember this.

    Reached a dizzy number 58 in November 1979 according to my dog-eared and coverless Guinness Book Of British Hit Singles (14th Edition).

  2. This is a terrible song. Although I have heard (and indeed bought) worse.

  3. Glad to open the memory juice sluice gates y'all! Catchy aint it. (As is chlamydia)

    I just love that windy riff.

    No 58 eh, davy. In today's hit parade terms, that would place it at number 2 for 14 weeks.

    Top work SA.

    Dickie (Yorkshire rockabilly correspondent).

  4. No thank you Dickie.

    I quite like the idea of having county based rockabilly correspondents. 'And now over to our Essex/Cumbria/Lincolnshire correspondent who has news of some local rockabilly action...'

  5. No comma thank you. That is. As in, ta DVD.
