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Saturday, 3 June 2017

Hands Down

This came out on line on June 1st and is what happens when Danish dance producer Trentemoller gets Warpaint bassist Jenny Lee Lindberg to sing on one of his tracks. You could argue that this is so in thrall to The Cure, Siouxsie and early 80s goth-rock that it's almost a Batcave tribute act but that would be churlish because this is so well done and so good that you should just let it push your buttons while you career around flapping your arms like a chicken. It wins, yes, hands down.


drew said...

Interesting but not for me SA. too close to all that goth pish.

Walter said...

Good one - as always by Trentemoller.

The Swede said...

I like it. It's the right end of the Goth spectrum for me!

C said...

Such an apt description - it really is so Siouxsie/Cure in places that suddenly I'm back in time, soaking all my clothes in a bathful of black Dylon.

thewalker said...

I really like this direction Trentemoller has been evolving through.
It's just soaked in New Wave.

Brian said...

Yes, we have heard it before, but I love it anyway.

drew said...

Fucking hell, it appears the goths are on the rise again. I blame the bloods Tories.

Swiss Adam said...

It must be connected to Brexit Drew.

JC said...

If this has been played to me without any hints beforehand I'd have placed it in 1982/83...especially the bit around two and a half minutes in!

I probably would have loved it back then too...the older me is a bit ambivalent.