Sunday 30 August 2020

Emergency Broadcast System

Sean Johnston has been keeping the A Love From Outer Space flag flying in the face of the shutdown of venues and clubs since the middle of March and keeping the slow motion disco going after the passing of his ALFOS partner Andrew Weatherall. During lockdown he began a series of Emergency Broadcasts, beaming three hour mixes live from his house into the ether. The ninth Emergency Broadcast occurred on 21st August, five hours of cosmic delights, chugging beats and groovers from the Belgian New Beat/ Balearic diaspora, unfolding calmly and in no hurry to get anywhere quickly.

The tracklist is longer than the phonebook. You can find it here. The spirit of ALFOS lives on.


  1. Wow, that's some mix. If only I had the day to myself, I'd find a quiet spot, lay back and enjoy the next 5 hours. Definitely one to save and savour. Thanks, Adam.

  2. I know, 5 hours is a bit daunting isn't it? I'm breaking it into chunks.
