Monday 31 August 2020

Monday's Long Song

There's always something mildly disappointing, not to say a little depressing, about the end of August bank holiday. The weather is often well past the height of summer, the new school year hangs over it like a flat grey cloud, autumn is just around the corner, only a day away, and this year more than most it seems like a hollow celebration.

But anyway, cheer up.... this e.p. came out back in June, Where Things Are Hollow 2 by Pye Corner Audio, a follow up to a 2017 e.p. (inspired by and dedicated to the memory of Mr Weatherall) with three new Pye Corner Audio tracks and a remix courtesy of John Talabot, a record full of analogue electronics and pulses and dreamy ambient sounds. The John Talabot remix of Resist is fairly full on, verging into techno territory, hypnotic and beguiling with a bassline that bounces around like a wasp in a jamjar. Buy it at Bandcamp.


  1. When you work in education, today is when you get that New Year's Eve feeling, not the fun, party atmosphere stuff but the reflective and maudlin feeling of time passing too quickly.
    A good track to take us out of that mood then!

  2. That's a good comparison Nick.

    Drew- thanks to you, so do I.
