Monday, 30 November 2020

Monday's Long Song

Some more of that warm, enveloping ambient haze that has been sound tracking much of this year for me, today in the shape of a Richard Norris remix, very much in his Group Mind/ Music For Healing/ Abstractions mode. The original version of Hopfen is by Kams, from an EP full of found sounds, electronic weirdness, synths and field recordings. Richard paints yet more layers, adding drizzle, piano, drones, crackles and fug. Buy the whole release at Bandcamp. It's a perfect companion piece to Jagz Kooner and Gary Burns' new Stray Harmonix track, Mountain Of One, posted on Saturday


  1. Was listening to this over the weekend and it just really proves what a standout year Mr Norris has had - musical excellence and soulful soothing, pretty much consistently across nine very difficult months. His Bandcamp subscription service that he unveiled at the weekend sounds like we're going to get much more of the same quality next year - really excited for it

  2. Yep, the subscription service looks really good. be interesting to see if it's a model that takes off.

  3. Mr. Norris' remix of Hopfen is a soundtrack waiting for a film to match it's brilliance.

  4. This has been an excellent week for posting new music and Richard Norris' remix is a delight... the music he has produced this year has been consistently wonderful.
