Tuesday 14 December 2021

Facility 5 And 86'd

It's Isaac's funeral on Friday. Planning and organising your child's funeral isn't something you really ever think you'll have to do but with Isaac I guess it was always somewhere at the back of our minds. The reality is much more than you can ever imagine. 

Some things happened yesterday which show the impact Isaac has had on people and the never failing to amaze me kindness of people. I hope some day we can pay it all back some way. At the weekend Nina Walsh contacted me to say she wanted to do something to raise money for the MPS Society, the charity that support children and adults with the group of rare genetic diseases that included the one, Hurler's Disease, that Isaac was born with. Nina wanted to auction off her and Andrew Weatherall's 39p museum, a treasure trove of sweets, crisps and pop that used to line the shelves at the Facility where so much of the Woodleigh Research Facility recordings were made. As an additional treat she said she'd throw in the original reference master CD of Andrew's Convenanza album and all these items would be bundled together in a brand new Facility 5 tote bag. To say this left me floored is an understatement. The auction is taking place at The Flightpath Estate Facebook page. There's a JustGiving page here for anyone who'd like to donate to the MPS Society. Here's a pair of pictures of part of the 39p museum and Mr Weatherall himself posing with a 39p can of bubblegum flavoured fizzy pop. 

Nina wrote this- 

My thoughts have been very much with Adam and Isaac Turner this last week.
For those of you who don't know Adam, he writes a fantastic blog https://baggingarea.blogspot.com/

More of a musical historian than a blogger.
Baggingarea has always been the one stop shop that Andrew and I would visit when we needed to remember something about ourselves!
Sadly Adam's son, Isaac, who brought so much joy to so many via his pictorial everyday doings posted on social media, passed away last week and many a heart has been broken.
Isaac lived with a condition called Mucopolysaccharide disease (MPS), a condition I knew nothing about until getting to know Isaac, albeit through pixels alone. He was a brave young man with a terrific smile and we will all miss him dearly. My deepest condolences to Adam and the Turner family.
As a way to raise some funds for the MPS Society I have decided to auction Andrew's beloved 39p Museum that was curated over the duration of our partnership from Facilities 1 to 4. I will also include the original reference CD master of Convenanza, mastered by Noel Summerville at 3345 Mastering, bundled together in a brand spanking new Facility 5 tote bag (awaiting delivery!). 100% of proceeds will go to the MPS Society, payable via the JustGiving fundraiser page set up by the marvelous Martin Brannagan of the legendary Flightpath Estate Facebook page. There is also the option to just donate if you are feeling generous 🙂
The auction will end at midnight Christmas Eve.
Bids in the comments below this post.
Do I hear £10?

Yes, there are a couple of parts of that which have me blushing through my tears. And to have Isaac, the Woodleigh Research Facility and Andrew brought together in such a way just leaves me speechless.  

As if that wasn't enough, there's this too. Last weekend Brother Joseph's Sonic Treasures radio show went out on Radio Magnetic, a Glasgow based internet radio station that I've supported in the past with guests like Sonic Boom, Andy Bell, Justin Robertson and David Holmes. I'll be able to share the full show soon, a six hour musical treat dedicated to Isaac and with an opening half hour that was a mix done especially for Isaac by Brother Joseph. The show's guest was Brother Chris Mackin, otherwise known as Chris Rotter. Chris was the guitarist in the live garage band incarnation of Two Lone Swordsmen and releases music on his own as Bad Meat Club. Back when Andrew Weatherall did a radio show for 6 Music he played a then unreleased Bad Meat Club tune called 86'd, a glistening skyscraper of a song, all soaring guitars and motorik rhythms. Chris messaged me to ask if it was OK to go ahead with the radio show. I replied to say it was and asked him to play 86'd for Isaac. Chris then took my breath away with a twenty three minute reworked version of 86'd, one minute for each of Isaac's years. Chris has now shared 86'd (For Isaac) at Bandcamp, asking only for a donation to the MPS Society as payment. 

I can't fully put into words how this leaves me feeling. Thank you Nina and Chris. 


  1. Restores your faith in human beings this does. Take care SA

  2. Wow. That's a wonderful tribute.

  3. There are some good people out there

  4. Wow, terrific gestures all around.

  5. What a lovely tribute and what wholly sound people they all seem. Hope you and your family are managing to find a way through all this Adam.

  6. Incredible stuff, proving what an amazing young man Isaac was and how he continues to inspire and influence people. In spite of the terrible sadness you must be feeling, there must also be a huge amount of pride.

  7. You and your family are so loved. Another moving post in the Bagging Area.

  8. The legend, a name we will never forget.....





    (Don't know who the bloke is in that photo at the bottom tho...)

  9. That is just so kind and moving; a fantastic tribute to Isaac, and to you - and so lovely to be reminded that such good people still exist.

  10. Fantastic stuff. It's heartbreaking that we need to go through the intense trauma of grief, but, inevitably the basic kindness of people in this time is what pulls us through and reminds us why we carry on. Salutes to Nina and Chris, much love to all the Turner family

  11. What a lovely tribute to Isaac, you and the family, Adam. Nina is a wonderful person and I hope the Just Giving page and auction raises lots for MPS. I loved 86'd when I heard it in the mix and didn't realise it was available on Bandcamp. Chris's remix/tribute to Isaac is simply stunning. I've listened to it twice this evening and I could just keep it on a loop for the rest of this evening. Love and best wishes to you all.

  12. I feel people who aren't around us anymore can stay with us forever through music. These acts of love make me feel that's true.

  13. The generosity of spirit and love really got to me reading this post.
    I made my donation based just on the spirit which this post evoked.
