Wednesday 15 December 2021

Sonic Treasures For Isaac

Brother Joseph's Sonic Treasures went out two weekends ago, a six hour radio show on Radio Magnetic and dedicated to Isaac. I wrote yesterday about the tribute to Isaac in the first half hour recorded by Brother Joseph. That opening section of the show includes two of my favourite songs, Otis by The Durutti Column and the Beatless Mix of Smokebelch by The Sabres Of Paradise, and hearing them in the show and in the immediate aftermath of everything we are going through was deeply moving. 

Joseph uploaded the show (in seven sections) to Soundcloud yesterday. You can listen to it here

After the tribute to Isaac there is some mighty dub from Stephen Haldane, some ambience, psychedelia and cosmic splendour from Joseph, lots of those dreamy pedal steel guitars and analogue synth sounds, more from Stephen and then Chris Mackin's guest mix which starts with his special reworked version of 86'd for Isaac and then Chris' song selection, a beautiful mix of ambient and western taking in Gene Clark, Dennis Wilson, Link Wray and Chris Bell among others. Here's Chris' handwritten tracklist. 

Chris signed off with a quote from Nick Cave, no stranger to grief and loss. Nick's son Arthur died in 2015. Nick wrote a lengthy piece on his blog about grief (I glanced at it a few days ago but haven't read it in full yet, it seems too soon. I will though). He finished with this and Chris put it in his message for his mix- 'In time there is a way, not out of grief, but deep within it'. 

Sitting here now, typing this, that seems hopeful. While writing this post last night I found an interview with Nick Cave from 2017 and in it there was something that resonated very strongly with me-

''A lot is said about grief, especially the conventional wisdom that you do it alone. I personally have found that not to be the case. The goodwill we received after Arthur’s death from people who I did not know, especially through social media, people who liked my music and kind of reached out, was extraordinary...'' I've definitely found this to be true. 


  1. I thought of you and Isaac twice yesterday. First when in the car and St Etienne's Only Love Can Break Your Heart came on, which is surely one you've recommended and love and suddenly seemed to be about grief and loss. Second when playing DJ Seinfeld's U, which has a sample of Bob Geldof talking about his own grief, not at bereavement but at the end of his marriage. Hope this doesn't come across as odd, but you can't have kids without fearing losing them so your loss has been on my mind. Hope you're okay.

  2. Thank you Tom. Really touching. I need to go and listen to Only Love Can Break Your Heart now- suspect it might set me off again.
