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Wednesday 26 June 2024

Dream Food Resistor

This came out last Friday, a superb slice of slinky, wonky dance floor action, Dream Food by Spatial Awareness. The title is apt- there are aspects of this track that do feel very dreamy, the warm disorientation of waking from an odd but pleasant dream, the distorted vocal playing off against the synth melody as the drums patter away in a 122 BPM sweet spot. Lovely stuff- there's a dub mix too, seven minutes of pared back, stripped down but equally tripped out music. 

Meanwhile over at Paisley Dark in Leeds, Shunt Voltage have released an EP of dark, dancefloor mutant acid house, a track called Resistor

There are remixes too, one from label boss John Payntor as Space Age Freak Out, a lovely chuggy one courtesy of Cosmikuro, a banger from Mindbender, and one by Adult DVD (possibly not an act to Google if you're on a work computer). Find them all here

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