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Monday, 24 March 2025

Monday's Long Song

What a great band Galaxie 500 were. They split up in 1991 leaving three studio albums behind them (Today, On Fire and This Is Our Music) on the verge of a tour of Japan. Singer/ guitarist Dean Wareham calling it a day when the band had a tough time making what was their final album and in Dean's words 'clearly weren't getting along'. Later in the same year Rough Trade went bust and the other two, Damon Krukowski and Naomi Yang bought the rights to their own music at auction. The three former Galaxie 500ers have been really careful with what happened to those recordings ever since and last year released a archival album, Uncollected Noise New York '88- '90. 

One of the many highlights of their back catalogue is their cover of The Modern Lovers song Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste, Jonathan Richman's sub- two minute sketch turned into a just shy of seven minute slowcore/ dreampop epic by Galaxie 500. It was on 1988's Today and later released as a B- side in 1990 and re- recorded for a Peel Session too. 

Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste

The bass and drums become an exercise in hypnosis while Dean's guitars (two of them, one chugging away like Lou Reed, the other spindly and bright like Sterling Morrison) create some tension. Dean's brittle, upper register voice singing Jonathan's lovelorn, tragic lyrics at the very edge of breaking down.

Dean Wareham is about to release another solo album, the follow up to 2021's I Have Nothing To Say To The Mayor Of LA. A few songs have appeared ahead of it including this one- That's The Price Of Loving Me is a gorgeously understated song, sublime chord changes and padding bassline, Dean's voice in a lower register now than it was back in the late 80s. Kramer, the man who produced those Galaxie 500 albums, is back at the controls and it shows. 



Walter said...

A wonderful piece of music. I listened during last weekend to On Fire and thought how great they were. Didn't knew that Dean Wareham is still releasing albums. I have to check them out. Thank you, Adam

John Medd said...

I discovered DW via 'The Past is Our Play Thing'. His songwriting is so clever.


Swiss Adam said...

Dean's solo songs are very clever and understated. Lots more going on than meets the eye.