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Wednesday, 29 January 2025

To Be On Your Own

We went to see A Complete Unknown on Saturday night. When we came home I dived into No Direction Home, Martin Scorcese's 2005 documentary (currently on the iPlayer) and since then have set about cherry picking my way around Bob's mid- 60s back catalogue. A Complete Unknown was really good. Timothee Chalamet is totally convincing as Dylan, the young Dylan arriving in New York in 1961 and the Dylan we see by the film's end, 1965 Dylan, gone electric. The attention to detail in the film- the sets, clothes, New York- are superb, early 60s New York brought to life vividly. The rest of the cast are good too- Ed Norton as Pete Seeger, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez and Elle Fanning as Sylvie (as disguised Suze Rotolo) all stand out. There are some inaccuracies, the director taking a few artistic licences with what happened and where but it really doesn't matter (the famous shout of 'Judas' happened at Manchester's Free Trade Hall not the 1965 Newport Folk Festival). If 'print the legend' applies to anyone it's Bob Dylan.

A Complete Unknown is an exercise in velocity. Dylan is fast, in permanent motion, speeding his way through the city, through people and through scenes. He leaves people in his wake- the folk scene, Suze, Joan, the Newport folk purists, New York high society- living in a blur of forward momentum. When he becomes famous and is recognised in the street he retreats behind sunglasses, arming himself with barbs and sneers and protected by a few close to him (Bob Neuwirth). He rides a motorcycle- more speed (and we all know how that ends)- and though there's no drug taking seen in the film, his speed freak persona can't just fuelled by cigarettes (and everyone is smoking all the time). The only times he slows down slightly are when he's with Sylvie. Sylvie introduces him to the struggle for civil rights and CORE. He takes from that, writes songs, and then keeps moving. 

His relationship with Joan Baez is spikey and combative- 'you're kind of an asshole', she tells him and later on kicks him out of her room in the Chelsea Hotel. The songwriting and performance scenes are totally convincing too, Chalamet more than able to portray the transition from 1961 folk Dylan and 1965. The scene in A Complete Unknown where he sings The Times They Are A- Changin' at Newport is genuinely moving. The furore around Dylan Goes Electric looks even more quaint now than it did in the past, the folk gatekeepers desperate to keep the future- rock 'n' roll, The Beatles, electricity, drummers- out of their world. The archive footage in Scorcese's film of British folk fans in Sheffield and Manchester complaining about Dylan's touring with his band as 'corny' and inauthentic is hilarious. Looking back at Dylan's songs in the 60s, it's clearly one perpetually moving body of work, from Song For Woody to Like A  Rolling Stone. 

Here's a folk era Dylan song (not actually in the film), One Too Many Mornings from 1964's The Times They Are A- Changin'.

One Too Many Mornings

I first encountered Bob Dylan in 1988, the autumn term in my first year at Liverpool university. We were hearing new music every day, every hour almost and much of it was revolutionary at the time. I heard Like A Rolling Stone on the radio and went out and bought three Dylan albums- all were available at CBS's Nice Price! promotion (less than a fiver). I bought Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (a 1967 compilation with a cool cover photo and ten classics) and the pair of albums he made in 1965, released four months apart from each other- Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited. Between them, those two albums are a pair of game changing records that re- wrote what music could be. Dylan's words are enough in themselves, a cast of characters, allusions, rhymes and imagery that are unequalled (in an end of year politics exam, a module on US politics, I quoted Dylan's line from It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) about the president of the United States sometimes having to stand naked. I was that kind of nineteen year old I'm afraid- I quoted Chuck D in the same essay. Pretentious, moi?! They let me progress onto the second year of the course too). He skewered culture, politics, society, consumerism, modern life. The music- some still based in acoustic guitar folk and some full electric mid 60s rock- is wild, alive and endlessly moving. 

I'm not sure I can pick between Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited. The former contains Maggie's Farm, a song Dylan nailed in a single take in the studio. At Newport it was the  motherlode, the moment Dylan plugged in and pissed off the purists. Too loud. Too much. Mike Bloomfield's lead guitar. Pete Seeger and his supposed attempt to cut the power with an axe. It's the climax of A Complete Unknown. It's in Scorsese's documentary too. And it's here, introduced by Pete Seeger...

Maggie's Farm (Live at Newport Folk Festival 25th July 1965)


Martin said...

Am hoping to see A Complete Unknown later this week. Backing it up with No Direction Home is a great idea.

Ernie Goggins said...

Probably my two favourite Dylan albums as well. Have a soft spot for 'Desire' as well, probably for the fiddling and Emmylou Harris.

Anonymous said...

What no drugs references in 'A Complete Unknown'! 34 + recorded songs in 14 months (Bring it all back home to Blonde on Blonde). What was he on, 'Sanatogen'? Dylan's subsequent recordings, while enjoyable (especially 'Blood on the Tracks and Desire), sound retrogressive by comparison to the 'Thin Wild Mercury' sound. And he provided a whole wardrobe for John Cooper Clarke.

Anonymous said...

I love the post- motorbike crash albums, John Wesley Harding and Nashville Skyline too and there are other early 70s bits that are good as well. Desire and BOTT both go without saying. But the mid 60s trio of BIABH, H61R and Blond On Blonde are where the real stuff lives, the thin wild Mercury music.
Swiss Adam

Anonymous said...

Yes the mysterious motorcycle crash. This whole period is fascinating. Of course Dylan still had to write these brilliant songs, but 'speeding' would have not only given him extended writing sessions, but shifted and heightened his mood, suiting his stream of consciousness style, even pushed him into paranoia. The songs do fizz with a certain paranoia. Amphetamine use was perfectly legal at the time both in the U.S. and the UK, and continued after 1965 with a prescription. Millions of doses were prescribed during this period. My own late father was prescribed for weight loss in the 60's. He was an amateur Jockey. Extended use leads to serious addiction and psychosis. To get off his use, my father went to stay with a doctor friend for over a week to deal with the side effects and get off the drug. Reports of Dylan's 'motorcycle accident' are shrouded in mystery. He was not hospitalised, there is no record of broken bones etc, but he did stay with a doctor friend for several weeks. Of course only Dylan and his closest know the truth. There may have been a light accident that shook his psyche, together with amphetamine withdrawal, but that would have been a different movie! His subsequent music while still providing great songs was softer, more subdued, country infused and introspective. We never got to hear the snarling velocity of the thin, wild mercury again.

Swiss Adam said...

There's long been a view that the crash (serious or not) gave him the perfect opportunity to step off the conveyor belt and the speed of life he was living and regroup. Plus withdraw from view so he could shed the Spokesman for a Generation tag.

Rob said...

My very favorite run of amazing music, surpassing Beatles, Stones, even Monk or Miles David for me. Wonders upon wonders. Post-crash/into Woodstock era he moved away from the White Light White Heat and became gnomic to the point of flabbergasting. A friend once asked me “which Dylan do you want?” and the mid-60s Bob is the Bob for me. And LARS is my Favorite Song of All Time. Amazing.