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Monday, 16 December 2024

Monday's Long Song

Some time ago it was established that a song had to be six minutes and forty nine seconds long to qualify for a Monday long song slot. I can't remember who established this or why but it makes sense and I'm happy to go with it. Your Fault by Raxon is six minutes and forty eight seconds long and that one single second is not enough to keep it out of today's posting. One second matters not.

The emotional heft of this piece of off kilter dance music, four four drums and synths that glide and wander all over the place, is something that has to be felt. Click play and let it hit. I hadn't heard it until recently. It's as good as anything you'll hear today. Jesse wrote about it at his Facebook page and linked it to wonky chocolate and said 'It's euphoric, groovy, and loaded with attack; but mostly it's just *wrong* in exactly the right ways', and as he always is, he's right. He added this...

'As someone who produces music in a roughly similar style, I feel like I should be able to explain what's going on here, but I'm not sure I can. On a simple level, the basic volume of the track and subtle loudness of the elements are all over the place; more mysteriously, it seems sort of un-mixed, with elements operating on separate planes and in randomly shifting keys, whooshing around each other like electrons jumping between shells, constantly changing perspectives on the same fractured image. I think the best comparison isn't music at all: "Your Fault" *sounds* like a cubist painting looks. It's a Picasso for 2024'.

I'm so up for music being compared to Cubism. Picasso for 2024 is so up my street I don't know what to add. You can and should buy it here


Ernie Goggins said...


Anonymous said...

We live on the edge here Ernie
Swiss Adam

thewalker said...

Adam, you broke the rules. And damn I'm glad you did. Listening now, compelled to by your & Jesse's words.
Off-kilter joy indeed.