Unauthorised item in the bagging area

Wednesday, 1 January 2025


Happy New Year! 

This blog is fifteen years old today. Bagging Area was born with a whimper on 1st January 2010, with the intention of seeing if I could do it for a year and no real plan for what I was going to write about. Here we are a decade and a half later with 5, 939 posts under my belt, over 18, 700 comments from people from near and far many of whom are now actual friends in virtual and/ or real life, and over 4, 666, 787 page views (at the time of writing). I didn't expect it to be as central to my life as it has become and can't really conceive how I could do without it. Micro- blogging and social media have their place, sharing music and with the capacity to make similar connections, but there's something about long form blogging, the process of writing, that sets it apart. I'm sure it's an outdated form of internet expression in an age of Tik Tok and Instagram Reels but it works for me and many others. The comments, the connections and the conversation, are really what make it so thank you to everyone who reads and leaves comments here (or when I share posts on Facebook). There's more of the same to come in 2025- apart from a list of artists/ songs on a notepad next to the computer and a few ideas for Saturday and Sunday posts I've no real plans beyond the next few posts, but something always comes up. 

To celebrate Bagging Area's fifteenth birthday here are a trio of fifteens in song and a poster. Andy Warhol famously said that, 'in the future, everyone will be world- famous for fifteen minutes'. And he didn't even know about YouTube at that point. Two of the songs here (I think) are inspired by or refer to that quote. The first is by Johnny Boy, a Liverpool boy- girl duo from the mid- 00s who released a legendary 7" single, You Are The Generation Who Bought More Shoes (And You Get What You Deserve), a 60s girl group inspired song that was a proper music blog song, shared countless times all over the place. Their sole album included this...

15 Minutes

Thundering drums, squealing guitars, hand shaking percussion, more multi- tracked girl group vocals, an 00s feel (think The Go- Team et al).

Ride's second re- union album was 2019's This Is Not A Safe Place, an album that drew from Jean- Michel Basquiat, Sonic Youth, and post- punk, all undercut by some squally electronics. Fifteen Minutes is three minutes fourteen seconds of indie rock with some kiss off lyrics about someone who's had their fifteen minutes and who has been bitten by karmic retribution, the song interrupted by bursts of  Goo- esque dirty guitar 

Fifteen Minutes

Thirdly, a fairly obscure Joe Strummer song, the B-side to the Island Hopping single from 1989. 15th Brigade (Viva La Quince Brigada) is a song from the Spanish Civil War, Joe singing in Spanish. There's a song of the same name written by Christy Moore, a tribute to the Irishmen who fought in the war against fascism in Spain in the International Brigades, Irish socialists who were also know as the Connolly Column. As far as I can tell the two songs aren't the same song. 

15th Brigade

And finally, a Factory records fifteen. In true Factory style the catalogue number Fac 15 wasn't given to a record but to a poster and an event (just as Fac 1 had been a poster). Fac 15 advertised the outdoor gig held jointly between Factory and Liverpool's Zoo Records, the two independent labels meeting half way in Leigh. I cycle through Leigh quite often- the idea that the cream of 1979's post punk bands played in a field there is always faintly ludicrous and totally brilliant, as is the poster's advice about how the post- punk youth of Manchester and Liverpool should get there. In terms of value for me it's second to none. It was however very poorly attended- the other bands on the line up watching whoever was on stage often comprised half of the total watching crowd. Accounts from the few who attended report that Joy Division were breathtaking. 



Ernie Goggins said...

Congratulations on reaching the big 1-5. And Happy New Year.

Ernie Goggins said...

P.S, Someone should do a 'Where Are They Now?' piece on Elti-Fits and Crawling Chaos.

Charity Chic said...

Congratulations on the 15 Adam and Happy New Year
Keep on keeping on.

Rol said...

Happy 15th and Happy New Year, Adam! All the best for 2025.

Swiss Adam said...

Thanks all.
Ernie- I'm on it, a Crawling Chaos post shall appear forthwith.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your fifteenth year. You continue to be an inspiration to NBR. Swc.
happy new year too.

C said...

Congrats on your 15 years - a real achievement.

Khayem said...

Happy New Year, Adam…and for 15 years of this incredible blog. I may have been a late joiner, but to say that your writing has been and continues to be an inspiration is an understatement. And thanks for switching me on to so many great artists and songs. Long may it continue!

Martin said...

Many happy returns, 15yrs is quite the achievement, 6,000 posts even more so. More power to you!

Anonymous said...

Respect, Adam. As Drew would say at moments like these, keep on keepin’ on. -Brian

Rob said...

Mazel Tov, Bags! Here’s to fifteen or better more!

JC said...

I've been AWOL from other folk's blogs for a couple of months - no excuses really, other than I've particularly hated this winter and also that I've been reading a lot of books.

I'll be hanging round here for the next couple of hours - please don't call Neighbourhood Watch or the likes, as I mean no harm (insert smile emoji). A very belated happy birthday to Bagging Area. And i'm incredibly proud that over those years, that initial virtual friendship has transcended into something very tangible,